Dutch Voice: "Home of Champions"

"Home of Champions" by: Pepijn de Wit, pool-head.com


In 1994, five Dutch pool fanatics from the Hague came up with the idea to start the first pool school and members club of the country. They called it Hague 5. The club grew out to what’s now a popular and vivid pool hall with that charming old school thingy to it. It’s the self-proclaimed Home of Champions, a claim with some justification.

Hague 5 is the pool hall where Niels Feijen, Johan Ruysink, and Alex Lely played in their early beginnings. You know, that guy who became World Champion twice, the most successful Mosconi Cup coach, and the winner of the World Pool Masters. The club and its players won quite some titles the past 24 years and is now leading the One Pocket movement. These success stories and sense of contributing to individual performances keep the club going and makes us proud, but that’s not what this club is about. Hague 5 and its owners are about passion, potential, fraternity, ambition, and gezelligheid. Players are eager to win and some really do want your money, but at the same time we eat home cooked dinner together with the enemy at the oval table in front of the bar. We’re eager for stories, we want to get to know you and for you to have a good time. I remember Kyle van den Bosch, Mariposa cue maker and former student of Freddy the Beard, being astonished and saying: “I’ve never done this before”, when he first visited our pool hall and sat down with us for dinner during a One Pocket tournament.

Please follow Pepijn de Wit, Blogger at Pool-head.com!

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