
Catherine Bentivegna Adami, The Pool Hustler's Daughter;

Catherine Bentivegna Adami has been called “a young Nora Ephron” by the late Queen of Chicago’s society Beat, Ann Gerber. Adami’s article, "The Epitome of Cool" was the cover of Billiard Digest's November 2015 issue and featured her late father - pool hustler, author and sports personality -Freddy the Beard Bentivegna, and Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet. Her novel, On Elizabeth Street was published in 2016 and her next novel, 'Twas the Night Before Forty is due out winter of 2018. Her work has also appeared in NYC Grind and Sneaky Pete Mafia. She is a proud Alumnus of Chicago’s Francis W. Parker School, Tulane University and NYU's Summer Fiction Writing Program. She lives in Lincoln Park with her two children.
You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Pepijn de Witt

"The Dutch Voice"

An adventurous pool player from the Netherlands who’s a curious cultural anthropologist in need of knowledge to understand the world around him, goes by the name Pepijn de Wit. He values experiences more than anything and wants to see, and learn as much of the world as possible before leaving it. Hustling, the most charming and dark element of pool, would therefore not be his trade, although it would make it easier for him to stop mind-traveling while surfing the internet due to a lack of money. He applauds cultural diversity, the ambitious, the graceful, and the open-minded. His ambitions are big, his dreams even bigger. He’s a one pocket lover and tournament director of the One Pocket Series, a Dutch one pocket tour.  

The Dutch voice (or ‘his column’, or Poolhead) will be about the greats who’ve inspired him, what the game means to him, and what he wants it to become. Not only will he tell about himself, but also about the culture around pool and pool rooms in the Netherlands and other places where he has been playing, profiling of European players, and historic perspectives will definitely be part of his quest ‘to understand’.


Alison Fischer, "Millenial Voice"

As editor and social media manager of one of the most innovative sources for pool and billiard news on the web (, Alison Fischer established herself as an authority on the sport. In addition to her passion for covering the sport, she has also been a regular competitor on the pro/am pool circuit since 2005. After starting her pool career as a college kid in the Midwest, Alison made tracks for the East Coast, where she currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. 



2008 BCAPL WI State Team Champion - Green Bay, WI

2008 ACUI Collegiate Championship Runner-Up - Arizona State University 

2009 BCAPL National Team Champion - Las Vegas, NV

2014 Predator Pro/Am Tour Player of the Year - New York, NY

2015 Tri-State Tour stop runner-up - New York, NY

2015 Predator Pro/Am Tour stop runner-up - New York, NY


Sam Fels


Sam Fels is a writer in Chicago, mostly covering the Hawks ( and the Cubs "( and Baseball Prospectus Wrigleyville). He doesn't get to the table as much as he'd like, and when he does he can constantly hear his father telling him what a piss poor shot that was."